Kimberly doyle

Everybody Matters

What Matters to You?

What Matters to You?

Vote 1 Kimberly Doyle
Your Local Councillor
Everybody Matters

Local Issues 

Local issues are important to me and after talking to others, I hear that you have concerns as well. 

Mental & Physical Health






Kimberly Doyle for Council

As an independent, pro-active and forward-thinking candidate, I want your vote as 1 of 10 Mackay Regional councillors.

Our great region’s liveability needs work now and I want to hear your concerns.  This and future generations depend on it.

TELL ME your concerns
Map showing the local government area covered by the Mackay Regional Council

Local Business & Community

Supporting local business has always been important to me.  Through my volunteering, professional and personal life, I have established strong relationships with sporting, community and business organisations.  Doing business with local people I know, like and trust is vital.

Strong foundations are built by people that share your passion, being a member of local sporting clubs and being active in Special Olympics means I understand the importance of physical and mental health for everybody. 

I represent Special Olympics Mackay Fire as the not for profit seat in a weekly networking meeting that exists only to generate business referrals to each other.  Service to others is obvious as I promote local business, generating over $10,000 worth of business to local businesses over the last 6 months in this group without personal gain.  This networking meeting has spread the word of the joy of sport for people with intellectual disability/autism.

In 2022, I was awarded the Most Inspirational Team member across the North Queensland networking group exemplifying my ability to inspire and motivate others plus strong leadership qualities with commitment to the team.

I am supporting local business with campaign corflutes, websites and advertising because this is where I live. My purchasing choices relate to local not price.  My children were able to get their start with part time jobs in local business and local business supports local athletes.

Loyalty to locals is a priority.

Vote 1 Kimberly Doyle
Your Local Councillor
Everybody Matters

I Believe Everybody Matters

Many would be aware of my leadership and coaching roles in Special Olympics over the last 10 years as well as the 30-plus years in the finance and disability industry.  I have often advocated for the most vulnerable in our community and feel that everybody has a right to be heard.

You will rarely see my photograph in highlighted events in Special Olympics because I am there to serve others, not say “look what I have done”.

In 2020, when people were looking for the pandemic to be over, I orchestrated online events for Special Olympics athletes and encouraged skill building when sport was still banned to maintain a positive mindset.  Special Olympics Australia awarded me 2020 Special Olympics Australia Community Hero.  This award recognized the outstanding contribution of community members that have gone above and beyond to provide support and community spirit during the COVID-19 lockdown; only awarded in 2020.  Special Olympics Australia deemed that I had shown commitment and loyalty to my community in difficult times.

I have observed selfish and thoughtless behaviour that has impacted the mental and physical wellness of children, parents, friends and family. This has prompted my desire to make a real difference with a focus on what needs to change.  The bigger picture is everybody matters.

The things that matter to me will resonate with you and I would welcome your thoughts on issues that are important to you.

Kimberly Doyle for Council

As an independent, pro-active and forward-thinking candidate, I want your vote as 1 of 10 Mackay Regional councillors.

Our great region’s liveability needs work now and I want to hear your concerns.  This and future generations depend on it.

TELL ME your concerns
Metway building in Mackay

Fundraising Events

You have worked hard for your money.

So active fundraising through campaign events will NOT be a part of my campaign.  I understand the pressures of the cost of living and the difficult choices that everybody makes each day on what takes priority in spending.

Everybody Matters will be spread throughout social media and I ask you to like and share my posts on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to reduce the need for signs cluttering up our beautiful region.

How to Vote

Vote 1 Kimberly Doyle ‘Cos Everybody Matters. Children, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends. Everybody.

Then number 2 to 10 for councillors to be your local voice in the Mackay Regional Council.

How to Vote Cards

You can download my How to Vote cards here.

The candidates on my How to Vote are listed in no particular order and I regard them as committed to service to the community.

How to Vote cards at polling booths will be minimalistic as the QR code on my corflutes brings you to my website with How to Vote recommendations.  I will also include voting sites once broadcast.

Pre-polling will open on Monday 4th March 2024 and venues are at the 500 Pavillion Showgrounds and CWA Sarina. 

Many polling booths will be open for you to vote on polling day, Saturday 16th March 2024.

A flexible option exists for those who find it difficult to make it in person to vote; anyone can postal vote by applying online via the ECQ.  Link below details how to complete a postal vote:

Contact me if you would like to receive an email copy of my How to Vote card to prepare for polling.

I will rely on social media to spread the message.   “Everybody Matters”.

More About Me

In 1994, I came to Mackay for 2 years and said I was never having kids.

I fell in love with Mackay and surrounds and saw no reason to leave and have 4 children aged 13 to 26.

Thankful for friendships and relationships created during my life here; I count many of my best friends first met here.

I am a problem solver, assertive, frank and base my conclusions on logic with accuracy and objective truth being my primary goal when formulating a successful strategy.

Kimberly Doyle being presented with Australia Day Award by Mackay Mayor Greg Williamson

What Others Say About Me

Someone once called me a fixer and I agree with them.  Others have described me as possessing exceptional communication skills and a genuine passion for helping others.  

Many friends describe me as fearless and inspire others to achieve great things. Other people have described me as:

speech bubbles showing what people say about Kimberly and why she should be on the council
speech bubbles showing what people say about Kimberly and why she should be on the council

Being of service to others has always been a priority to me and my service to the community has been recognised over last 6 months as the:

NQ Sports Foundation Sport Volunteer of the Year

Mackay Regional Council Australia Day Award  Lori Burgess Community Volunteer of the Year

I have a passion to serve through hard work and dedication.

Vote 1 Kimberly Doyle
Your Local Councillor
Everybody Matters